Charlie Chaguan
Brother Charlie Chaguan, Morata 1 House Meeting, North West District. Port Moresby Assembly

Brother Charlie Chaguan is from Sohe Village, in Nipa District of Southern Highlands Province. As a young man, he left his village and came to Port Moresby seeking employment. He was employed by the PNG National Museum and Art Gallery as a security guard, manning security and keeping surveillance over the National Museum. After nineteen (19) years of being with the National Museum, he met a fate that would paralyze him and keep him bed-ridden for the next thirteen (13) years.

On that fateful night of 1992, a band of armed robbers entered the National Museum premises with intent of stealing from the Museum. Charlie was on duty that particular night, and upon realising intruders in the yard, he tried to deter them and a physical confrontation ensued. He was overpowered by the robbers, and during the struggles, one of the robbers pushed a screw drive through the back of his neck, which pierced through the other side. The robbers fled, and Charlie was left unconscious on the ground. A few minutes later, alarm was raised and Charlie was rushed to the Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH).

At the Port Moresby General Hospital Emergency Ward, doctors went into action. They managed to stabilise his condition, and hours later was admitted in the Ward, so doctors could ascertain further. After doing further checks, doctors confirmed his Spinal Chord was split as a result of the incident. The good news was, he was alive, however the unfortunate news, he will be bed-ridden for rest of his life. After five (5) months of being in the hospital, Charlie was released, and told to return home, in a wheel chair. For the next thirteen (13) years Brother Charlie was bed-ridden and confined in a wheel chair and lived at Morata One in Port Moresby. He could not stand up or walk around because his spinal chord was damaged.

In 2005, Revival Centres of Papua New Guinea Church was preparing to hold its Annual (1 week) National Rally in Port Moresby. The event was scheduled from the 23rd of September onward. During that time, few weeks before the Rally, church members from Revival Centres in Port Moresby conducted outreaches and street witnessing, made announcements and invited friends and relatives to attend the Rally, at the Sir John Guise Stadium. A few days prior to Rally Opening Day, a young Spirit-filled brother from Goroka in Eastern Highlands who lived at Morata brought a Revival Church leaflet and gave it to Brother Charlie. The young Spirit-filled brother spared some few minutes with Brother Charlie and witnessed to him the Good News of The Lord Jesus Christ emphasizing on the Salvation Message of being Born-Again of water and the Holy Spirit. He even invited Brother Charlie to attend the Rally and listen to the Gospel, the highlight of which will be Healing prayer.

On the morning of 23rd September 2005, an uncle of Brother Charlie who owned a motor vehicle came and picked up Charlie (in his wheel chair), and brought him to the Rally venue, (Sir John Guise Stadium). On that particular day, the morning part was dedicated to Opening Ceremony and other activities. At 5:00pm the Healing Prayer was arranged; invitation was extended to sick people, and others who had some physical or spiritual need to come forward and be prayed upon. Brother Charlie was brought in his wheel chair. In the prayer line, the church leaders put their hands on Brother Charlie and prayed over him. That encounter Brother Charlie still recalls: “When the church leaders laid their hands on me and started praying in tongues, I felt like my two feet were on fire. I can feel heat coming up starting from my feet up the knees and right through my thighs. As they kept on praying, the heat intensified; at that point, I felt as if a real fire was burning my legs. With my both hands I pressed down on the wheel chair and tried to jerk myself out to avoid the fire burning my legs. As soon as I jerked out of the wheel chair, to my amazement, I realized that I had already stood up on my two legs. After realizing what had happened, I shouted for joy. The big crowd of people attending the Rally were all amazed to see what happened, they look with wonder and awe”.

“After the prayer line, invitation (Altar Call) was extended to those who wanted to get baptised. Many people indicated to get baptised, I was one of them. For first time after thirteen (13) years, I was able to walk by myself to the Baptism Tank. After getting baptised by full immersion, I came out of the water, and the church leaders prayed over me. At that point, I received the Holy Spirit and Spoke in Tongues straight away. When I came out of the Waters, I had this feeling of lightness in my body. All burdens that I have carried all my life have departed from me completely. It was a double blessing for me; I received the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and at the same time, received free healing from God”.

Port Moresby Rally 2005 saw a total of 858 people getting baptised. Many people were healed at that time, Brother Charlie was one of them. After the baptism, the leaders encouraged him to continue in fellowship. Today Brother Charlie attends Morata 1 House Meeting, under the Waigani Sub-Centre. Brother Charlie is a happy man today. Brother Charlie says, he does not really worry about what happens in this world, he wants to live a holy life every day and worship God in Spirit and in Truth, and wait for the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Charlie is the living proof of the divine healing power of God.