Revival Centres in MOMASE Region
MOMASE encompasses the northwestern Region of Papua New Guinea. Momase Region comprises Morobe, Madang, East Sepik and West Sepik Provinces. West Sepik is also known as Sandaun Province. Karaite Village in Lumi District of Sandaun Province is the birthplace of Revival Fellowship in Papua New Guinea. From a humble beginning in Lumi, the church spread to Aitape, Wewak, Madang, Lae and eventually into the Highlands Region.
MOMASE Region still maintains as a Revival stronghold. Currently, MOMASE Region has more Assemblies in comparison to the other three regions. Revival fellowship in MOMASE maintains a steady growth as more people abandon their cultural heritage, and traditions, and seek Biblical Truths. A good number of new converts are people who have been in other already-established churches.